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 Learn  Your

The Knowledge and skills of horsemanship 

discover a new world of horsemanship

Meg specialises in equine communications, rehabilitation and the gymnastic schooling's of Classical Dressage. Her lessons take riders through an in-depth education highlighting key essentials to maintaining and developing happy, healthy, biomechanically sound horses.

Meg's training programs are designed to target the horses nervous system; helping riders achieve a healthy balance of relaxation, postural alignment, muscle tone and structural integrity over the duration of the horses education. 



"Most riders I meet are looking for kinder, more ethical training approaches that combine a healthy balance of mechanical education and emotional connection.  Whether you are dealing with lack of connection, issues surrounding equine behaviour, lameness problems or you have hit a wall in day-to-day training, each day brings us new opportunities to learn and improve. I want riders to know that they play the most important role in their horses lives. And when given the right tools, all riders have the ability to repair and optimise their horse's overall health, emotional well-being and performance."




Don't keep pushing over something that doesn't feel right....

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Change your approach 

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"What you find hard, the horse is finding harder. Pressuring horses to train over high levels of stress changes the tone of their connective tissue, capacity to learn and long-term behaviours. The brain and nervous system is forever adapting through experience and memory. Change the horses experience and you will change the outcome of your training" 

Curvature of of spine measured from pelvis to withers (8 months training)

Spinal Column Support

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Curvature of of spine measured from pelvis to withers (8 months training)

Spinal Alignment 

 Week 1                               Week 2
In hand lateral exercises used to re-activate ligaments and muscles responsible for tractioning the spine/tail




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Working with Meg has opened up a whole new path of horsemanship for me. With Meg’s guidance I have seen some of the most heartwarming changes in my mare. Meg has given me the skills to help my horses feel into their bodies, release tension and begin to process memories and emotions that have long been stuck. Meg teaches the epitome of the mind-body connection and has a deep understanding for how emotions, stress and trauma can manifest in the horse’s movement, posture and behaviour. She is a kind and empathetic teacher with a wealth of knowledge which she shares with amazing clarity in our online lessons. I’m absolutely loving this journey and can’t wait to keep expanding on what I am learning. Thank you for everything Meg!





Meg has a great feel for the horse and a deep understanding of the horse’s emotional state as well their wellbeing. Her strength as a teacher is that she can impart her knowledge to the student in way that makes sense and leads to visible results. Often just a small adjustment and advice seen through Meg's eyes can lead to a big shift in the horse's manner and way of moving. I have also found Meg to be very astute in her coaching of me as a rider which has a direct effect on my horse too. I appreciate Meg's professionalism and dedication to the horse and highly recommend her as a teacher. 




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